Brezos Pádel Club

We have a new complementary offer in the hotel premises. These are two paddle tennis courts that we will activate soon.

Lagunas de Volcán Wetland

Just five kilometers from the City of Volcán in the Province of Chiriquí is this beautiful place called La Laguna. This wetland is located in the former volcanic caldera area and is made up of three connected lagoons.

The greatest attraction of La Laguna de Volcán is undoubtedly nature and picturesque landscapes, it is a paradise for photographers. On the horizon you can see the majestic Barú Volcano with a height of 3,474 meters above sea level.

Volcano Thermal Wells

In this place you can see the condor of the Andes as well as a great variety of birds of prey. These birds are in danger of extinction and thanks to a private organization it is expected that they will be successful in reproducing condors and hosting raptors in captivity.

Barú Volcano National Park

In this place you can see the condor of the Andes as well as a great variety of birds of prey. These birds are in danger of extinction and thanks to a private organization it is expected that they will be successful in reproducing condors and hosting raptors in captivity.

International Friendship Park

Imbabura has a great variety of centers for the elaboration of artisan products, each town or community elaborates products manufactured by hand in which creativity and traditions are identified.